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The representatives of the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing have been Thursday, 16th of October 2014, in Pitesti where they held the meeting with the theme „Personal data protection in the local public administration”, an event held with the help of the Argeş county Prefect Institution.

In order to improve the uniform application of the rules for the processing of personal data, the representatives of the local public administration and of the decentralized public services at county level were invited at this meeting.

We state that the local public authorities and those at county level are exempt from the obligation to notify, when the processing is carried out for the purpose of performing their legal tasks (related to the activity), according to the Decision no. 23/2012 of the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Protection.

On the other side, they must notify the processing of personal data carried out using video surveillance means, according to the provisions of the Law no. 677/2001 and those of the Decision no. 52/2012 of the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing.

In both cases, the local public authorities and those at county level are bound by the obligation to comply with the conditions regarding the processing of personal data provided by Law no. 677/2001, including those related to the exercise of the data subject’s rights (right to information, right of access, right of intervention upon data, right to object, right to submit a complaint to the ANSPDP).

They also are required to apply the adequate technical and organizational measures in order to protect the data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or unauthorized access, as well as against any other form of illegal processing according to the Order no. 52/2002 on approving the minimum safety requirements for personal data processing.


Legal and communication department

20th of October 2014